Privacy Policy
Personal Information Protection Policy
First published: April 1, 2005
Last revised: October 12, 2023
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company") is fully aware of the importance of personal information ("Personal Information" as defined in Article 2, (1) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; the same shall apply hereinafter), pseudonymized personal information (information concerning an individual that is processed so that a specific individual cannot be identified without reference to other information), anonymized personal information (information concerning an individual that is obtained by processing personal information so that a specific individual cannot be identified and the said personal information cannot be restored to re-identify the specific individual), and personally related information (information that can be easily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Personal Information.") of customers (including consignees), shareholders, officers, employees, applicants for employment (includes applicants for internships; the same shall apply hereinafter), and retirees (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Customers"), and handles them appropriately as part of its corporate social responsibility.
1.Compliance with Laws and Regulations
In handling Personal Information, Our Company shall comply with related laws and regulations and internal rules concerning the protection of personal information.
2. Purpose of Use
With regard to Personal Information, Our Company shall specify the purpose of use and handle it within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use, and shall not handle it beyond that scope. If the purpose of use of specific Personal Information is specially limited under laws and regulations, Our Company shall not handle it for any purpose other than the said purpose of use. Please refer to "Purpose of Use of Personal Information" for the purpose of use of Personal Information at Our Company.
3. Acquisition of Personal Information
Our Company shall obtain the Personal Information of the Customers by proper and lawful means to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
4. Proper Management of Personal Data
Our Company shall take measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. with respect to personal data (Personal data defined in Article 16, (3) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; the same shall apply hereinafter). Our Company shall make efforts to ensure that the contents of personal data are accurate and up to date within the scope necessary for the purpose of use and to delete such personal data without delay when the use thereof are no longer necessary.
5. Restrictions on Provision to Third Parties
In principle, Our Company will not provide personal data to any third party unless the consent of the individual Customers is obtained or such provision is required by law. However, Our Company may provide personal data to parties other than Our Company without the consent of the individual in the case of entrusting another party to handle personal data within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use, in the case of a merger, etc., and in the case of joint use with a specific party separately specified.
6. Handling of Sensitive Personal Information
Our Company will not obtain any sensitive Personal Information (Refers to "sensitive personal information" as stipulated in Article 2, (3) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information) of Customers unless prior consent has been obtained from the individual or unless otherwise required by law.
7. Supervision of Outsourcing Contractors
When entrusting the handling of personal data of Customers to a third party, Our Company will appropriately supervise the entrusted party to ensure safe information management by concluding a contract, etc.
8. Joint Use
The personal data of Customers will be shared by Our Group companies, etc. For more information, please refer to "Sharing Personal Information."
9. Request for Disclosure of Personal Data Our Company Holds
Requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc. of personal data Our Company holds (“Personal data the entity holds” as defined in Article 16, (4) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; the same shall apply hereinafter) will be handled promptly to a reasonable extent by contacting the contact point at Our Company, unless otherwise provided for by laws and regulations. Please refer to "Requests and Procedures for Disclosure of Personal Information."
10. Security Control Measures
Our Company has taken the following security control measures to strengthen its efforts to protect Personal Information throughout the company.
- 1Formulation of basic policy
- 2Development of regulations concerning the handling of personal data
For the purpose of appropriate handling and protection of personal data, handling rules have been developed that specify handling methods, responsible persons and persons in charge, their roles, etc. - 3Organizational security control measures
- The responsible person of each department handling personal data shall be in charge of management, and thoroughly implement security control.
- In the event of leakage of Personal Information or if any fact or sign of violation of laws and regulations or handling regulations is detected, a report to the responsible person shall be made.
- 4Human security control measures
- Implementation of security control training for officers and employees at the time of employment and on a regular basis regarding Personal Information.
- Establishment of rules of employment stipulate the handling of confidentiality and penalties for violations.
- 5Physical security control measures
Define important information management areas (security areas) for buildings and facilities, manage the entry and exit of employees to and from such facilities (rooms), and restrict the equipment to be brought in. - 6Technical security control measures
Restrict access from the outside with firewalls, regularly monitor unauthorized access, install antivirus software, update pattern files as needed, manage application installation, implement URL filtering, etc. - 7 Grasping the external environment
Confirmation of laws and regulations for the protection of personal information in foreign countries and correspond to them
11. Continuous Improvement
Our Company shall review its management system and actions for the protection of Personal Information as appropriate in light of developments in information technology and changes in social requirements, and endeavor to continuously improve such systems.
12. About Inquiries
Inquiries regarding Our Company's Personal Information will be handled at the Head Office Service Center (Telephone No.: 03-3541-3411, Reception hours: 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays).
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
(Business Operator Handling Personal Information)
First published: November 3, 2006
Last revised: October 12, 2023
Our Company will handle the Personal Information of Customers to the extent necessary for the achievement of the following purposes of use.
1.Purpose of Use of Personal Information
- 1Purpose of use of personal information of customers
- iTo accept applications for products and services and provide them, contact customers related to such applications and provision, and take other necessary actions.
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- To respond to application procedures for products and services
- To provide products and services and perform contract contents
- To confirm eligibility that business conditions and application conditions are met, and to confirm identity
- To contact customers regarding the services received
- To respond to inquiries about products and services
- iiTo propose products and services, and to contact and inform customers
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- To introduce products and services that are suitable for customers who use Our Company's services
- To send direct mail concerning products and services of Our Company or Our Group companies, and to introduce various campaigns of Our Company and partner companies, etc.
- To provide information concerning Our Company's products and services, display and distribute advertisements
- iiiResearch, development, improvement, etc., of products and services, investigation and analysis, etc., associated therewith
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- Planning and development of new products and services
- To improve the quality of products and services
- To conduct questionnaire surveys on products and services
- To investigate and analyze the usage status of various products and services
- To investigate and prevent unauthorized use of products and services
- ivTo improve the operational efficiency of Our Company
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- To efficiently deliver packages
- To grasp the number of packages handled, etc.
- To review the personnel to deliver the package
- To facilitate communication between the persons in charge of operations at Our Company and Our Group companies
- iTo accept applications for products and services and provide them, contact customers related to such applications and provision, and take other necessary actions.
- 2Purpose of use of personal information of officers and employees
- For services related to salary determination and payment
- For services related to welfare, etc.
- For operations related to the implementation of personnel systems, employment management, human resource development, and skill development, etc.
- To study working conditions and consider their improvement
- To carry out various procedures at the time of joining and leaving the Company, various procedures necessary for business operations and communication, etc.
- To perform other services incidental to the foregoing
- 3Purpose of use of personal information of employment applicants (including internship applicants)
- For contact with job applicants
- For services related to examination and decision of employment
- For management of prospective employees
- To perform other procedures related to job applicants
- 4Purpose of use of personal information of retired employees
- For the procedures after retirement
- For services related to examination and decision of reemployment
- 5Purpose of use of specific personal information of officers, employees, their families, and retirees
- For preparation of withholding records and payment records, etc.
- To carry out notification work, etc., related to social insurance
- For notification of welfare benefits, etc.
- To perform other services incidental to the foregoing
First published: November 3, 2006
Last revised: October 12, 2023
In order to develop attractive services for customers by organically combining the management resources of Our Group companies*, individual Group companies may share the personal data which each Group company acquires from its Customers as follows.
- *Please refer to "URL" for information on companies included in the Group companies.
1. Purpose of Sharing
- 1Purpose of use of personal information of customers
- iTo accept applications for products and services and provide them, contact customers related to such applications and provision, and take other necessary actions.
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- To respond to application procedures for products and services
- To provide products and services and perform other contract contents
- To confirm eligibility that business conditions and application conditions are met, and to confirm identity
- To contact customers regarding the services used by the customers
- To respond to inquiries about products and services
- iiTo propose products and services, and to contact and inform customers
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- To introduce other products and services that are suitable for customers who use services
- To send direct mail and printed materials concerning products and services, and to introduce various campaigns of Our Company, Group companies, its partner companies, etc.
- To provide information concerning products and services, display and distribute advertisements
- iiiResearch, development, improvement, etc., of products and services, investigation and analysis, etc., associated therewith
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- Planning and development of new products and services
- To improve the quality of products and services
- To conduct questionnaire surveys on products and services
- To investigate and analyze the usage status of various products and services
- ivTo improve the operational efficiency of Our Company
As examples, the following purposes of use are included.- To efficiently deliver packages
- To grasp the number of packages handled, etc.
- To review the personnel to deliver the package
- To ensure smooth communication between persons in charge of operations
- iTo accept applications for products and services and provide them, contact customers related to such applications and provision, and take other necessary actions.
- 2Purpose of use of personal information of officers and employees
- For services related to salary determination and payment
- For services related to welfare benefits such as social insurance and health insurance
- For operations related to the implementation of personnel systems, employment management, human resource development, and skill development, etc.
- To investigate working conditions and consider their improvement; to take various procedures at the time of joining and leaving the Company; to take various procedures necessary for business operations; and to communicate with each other
- To perform other services incidental to the foregoing
- 3Purpose of use of personal information of employment applicants (including internship applicants)
- For business contact with job applicants
- For services related to examination and decision of employment
- For management of prospective employees
- To perform other procedures related to job applicants
- 4Purpose of use of personal information of retired employees
- For the procedures after retirement
- For services related to examination and decision of reemployment
2. Personal Information to be Shared
- 1Personal information of customers
- iItems to be shared
Name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, gender, cookies linked to personal data, results and details of communications between Our Company and the customer, results and details of use of Our Company’s products, and any other information necessary for achieving the purpose of the shared use - iipersonal information shared to
Group companies
- iItems to be shared
- 2Personal Information of officers and employees (including those who retired)
- iItems to be shared
Name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, gender, company to which the person belongs, department to which the person belongs, license and qualification, personnel evaluation, reward and punishment, employment status, background, information concerning the family (name, gender, date of birth, relationship, living together or not, employment status), and any other information necessary for the achievement of the purpose of the shared use - iiEntities that personal information is shared to
Group companies, employee shareholding associations, the health insurance society of the Yamato Group, and other domestic organizations related to Group companies
- iItems to be shared
- 3Purpose of use of personal information of employment applicants (including internship applicants)
- iItems to be shared
Name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, gender, company to which the person belongs, department to which the person belongs, license and qualification, personnel evaluation, reward and punishment, employment status, background, information concerning the family (name, gender, date of birth, relationship, living together or not, employment status), and any other information necessary for the achievement of the purpose of the shared use - iiEntities that personal information is shared to
Group companies, employee shareholding associations, the health insurance society of the Yamato Group, and other domestic organizations related to Group companies
- iItems to be shared
3. Responsible entity of Shared Use
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
Ginza 2-16-10, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Yutaka Nagao, President and Representative Director
First published: November 3, 2006
Last revised: January 23, 2025
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company") responds to your request for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of contents, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure") of the personal data Our Company holds as follows. If you wish to make a request for Disclosure please follow the procedures described below.
Procedures for Requests for Disclosure
(1) Persons who may request Disclosure
Only the following persons may make a request for Disclosure of the personal data Our Company holds.
- Data subject
- In the case of a minor or an adult ward, his/her legal representative
- An agent entrusted by the person concerned to make a request for Disclosure
(2) Submission of necessary documents
If you wish to request Disclosure, please submit the necessary documents to Our Company in accordance with the following provisions.
[1] Necessary documents
- IRequest format for Disclosure of Personal Information
- IIIdentification Documents
Please send one of the copies below. The identification documents must be valid at the time of request.- ADriver's license (front and back)
- BPassport (only if address is filled in “Information on bearer”)
- CPassport (there’s no “Information on bearer” nor address indication) + certificate of residence
- DHealth insurance certificate + certificate of residence
- EIdentification documents issued by a public organization, such as pension booklet, physically disabled certificate, resident card, or special permanent resident certificate + certificate of residence
- IIIA document by which the authority of representation can be confirmed (Only for requests by an agent.)
When the request is made by the person's legal representative or an agent delegated by the person, please send the following documents. (All must have been issued within three months prior to your request.)
In the case of delegation, please note that we may confirm with the person who delegated whether or not the delegation has been made.- ALegal representative of a minor A copy of the family register or abridged family register that shows the relationship between the person and his/her legal representative
Identification documents of the legal representative (any of the documents set forth in [1] (II) A through E above of the legal representative) - BLegal representative of an adult ward A copy of the certificate of registered matters provided for in the Act on Guardianship Registration
Identification documents of the legal representative (any of the documents set forth in [1] (II) A through E above of the legal representative) - CDelegated agent
A letter of proxy in the form prescribed by Our Company (with the registered seal affixed thereto), which the relevant person has filled out in his/her own handwriting A copy of the seal registration certificate of the relevant person
Identification documents of the agent (any of the documents set forth in [1] (II) A through E above of the agent)
- ALegal representative of a minor A copy of the family register or abridged family register that shows the relationship between the person and his/her legal representative
[2] Destination of submission
Personal Information Handling Office, Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
Yamato Honsha Building A, 2-12-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8147, Japan
- *Please send it by registered mail or other appropriate means to prevent from potential loss. (The postal charge will be borne by the person who will make a request.)
[3] Form of request for Disclosure of Personal Information
- *If you are not in an environment where you can print out the form, we will send it to you, so please request it in writing to the address below.
(3) Response from Our Company
In principle, a notice on Disclosure shall be sent by mail or by electromagnetic means as designated within two (2) weeks from the receipt of a request from the relevant individual to Our Company.
When Our Company decides not to disclose, etc., Our Company will notify you to that effect with the reason attached.
Please note that we may not be able to respond within the above period if it takes time to conduct an investigation depending on the contents of the request or if there are any defects in the documents you have sent.
Also, please note that Our Company may contact you to confirm the contents of the request.
If the request is made by a representative/agent, the response will be mailed as follows.
- Request by a legal representative: it will be mailed to the legal representative.
- Request by an agent delegated by the relevant person: it will be mailed to the relevant person.
(4) Fees
The investigation fee 1,000 yen (including consumption tax) will only be charged for disclosure request .
Please enclose postage stamps or postal fixed-amount money orders when sending a request to Our Company.
Please note that we will not refund the fee even if we do not disclose it after we receive the request.
(5) Purpose of use of personal information obtained in the course of procedures
Personal information obtained by Our Company in connection with procedures for Disclosure Requests will be used to the extent necessary to respond to Disclosure Requests. (This includes communications about identity verification and request details.)
(6) Notes for procedures
Please note that Our Company will not respond to requests for Disclosure in the following cases.
- If you or your representative/agent cannot verify your identity
- If the address on the request, the address on the identification document, and the address on file with Our Company do not match or we found multiple possible information and cannot identify which to be disclosed.
- If the authority of representation cannot be confirmed when a request is made by a delegated agent
- If there is a lack or deficiency in the contents of the request and its correction or amendment is not accepted
- If no fees are paid (including cases where fees are paid insufficiently)
- When Our Company decides that Disclosure should not be made to the extent permitted by laws and regulations
- If such Disclosure would result in a violation of laws and regulations
For further information, please contact:
Personal Information Handling Office, Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
Yamato Honsha Building A, 2-12-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8147, Japan