Message from the President
The Yamato Group has been innovating to respond to the needs of customers through “delivery” in changing times since 1919 when it commenced operations. These innovations include the development of Japan's first regular-route delivery service and the TA-Q-BIN courier services.
Increasing severity of climate change, rising prices of raw materials such as energy and prices following uncertain international circumstances, declining working population, It is our responsibility to participate in the creation of a sustainable society, in the age of heightened uncertainty that lies ahead.
The Yamato Group announced our New Mid-Term Management Plan 「Sustainability Transformation 2030 ~1st Stage~」in April 2024. “A value-creating company that contributes to the realization of a sustainable future” as stated in our management theme, we aim to sustainable development of society and businesses by establishing a better environment for the economic, planet, and society.
In addition to continuing to promote business structural reforms, we are carrying out business portfolio reform through the reinforcement of the TA-Q-BIN network, expansion of the corporate business domain, develop new business model to address the needs of society, and develop the group management platform while continuing to promote business structural reforms.
In the core TA-Q-BIN business, we announced that it has been verified that the parcel delivery services are carbon neutral in accordance with ISO 14068-1:2023, and also made a carbon neutral claim that committed to maintaining carbon neutrality at the end of January 2024.
We intend to promote the use of TA-Q-BIN by differentiating through the Carbon Neutrality Declaration of TA-Q-BIN.
There are many issues that need to be solved in the logistics industry, such as the truck transportation capacity shortage and receipt of appropriate price. As a major logistics company, we believe that taking the initiative to solve these issues is an important duty. We aim to build sustainable logistics and contribute to the “realization of a prosperous society,” as stated in our management philosophy, together with our partners.
Without losing sight of the aspirations of our predecessors, we at the Yamato Group will strive as one towards becoming a company that sincerely listens to the voices of our diverse stakeholders and continues to create “New logistics”, “New value” for society at large.
April 2024
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.